2016-11-2603:0免保人貸款信貸銀行比較存款利率比較 當鋪買手機a貸款對保>債務協商辦信用卡房屋抵押貸款比較無擔保貸款定型化契約>房屋稅信用卡繳款line汽車貸款封鎖桃園身分證借錢>地下錢莊借錢證件0房貸貸款利率和美中小企業貸款>新車貸利率試算表哪裡可以簽本票借錢
/ Staff writer, with CNADemocratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislators yesterday voted down motions put forward by opposition lawmakers that Premier Lin Chuan (林全) report to the legislature on the dissolution of TransAsia Airways and public hearings on easing a food import ban on products from five Japanese prefectures.Both proposals were put forward by the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) caucus, with support from the New Power Party (NPP) and the People First Party (PFP).The KMT said TransAsia’s unexpected closure has seriously affected domestic transportation, caused huge losses for the tourism industry and investors, and forced more than 1,000 people out of work.The government’s failure to obtain information about the closure to deal with the crisis demonstrates that the government mechanism is not working, KMT lawmakers said.Inconsistent statements given by Lin, President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) and Minister of Transportation and Communications Hochen Tan (賀陳旦) on the takeover of TransAsia’s routes has caused doubt among the public, KMT lawmakers said.The KMT said the premier should also clearly state the government’s position on easing import bans on food products from five Japanese prefectures that have been in place since the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant disaster in 2011, considering the potential threat the food products pose to people’s health.Also voted down yesterday were proposals by the KMT that the Ministry of Health and Welfare hold another 10 public hearings on the issue and that the Legislature should adopt a resolution to maintain the ban until Taiwan and Japan reach an agreement on mutual judicial assistance.Two motions put forward by the PFP and NPP were also voted down.The PFP motion would require the Cabinet to invite groups against lifting the ban to public hearings, while the NPP motion would forbid the Cabinet from reopening Taiwan’s doors to Japanese food product imports until they are certified as safe and have legislative approval.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES
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